Storylines can only achieve what it does, nationally reaching out to thousands of New Zealand children and their families, with the help of its dedicated body of volunteers
Join us to encourage New Zealand children and young adults engage with books, and help make our events and activities a success.
Operational activities
People who are passionate about children’s and young adult literature literature (and who enjoy working with others to make things happen) are very welcome on Storylines various committees. The roles include:
- Storylines Management Committee (Auckland-based, but meetings online for anyone out of Auckland) and its specialist sub-groups (Events, Story Tour, Communications, Awards)
- The Storylines IBBY NZ committee focuses on ensuring New Zealand has a voice in the international children’s literature community, and on promoting the works of New Zealand children’s and young adult writers and illustrators on the world stage
- Special roles: You don’t need to join a committee. If you prefer to take on a specific task such as assisting with social media or helping with fundraising or design, these key jobs can be taken on by people working outside the Management Committee
- Anyone with special skills – whatever they might be – is always welcome
Help on specific occasions
Help is hugely appreciated at Storylines events, such as book launches for our award winners, special hui, or awards events themselves held over a day or weekend. These can include:
- volunteering as a Storylines rep or driver on one (or more) of our week-long Story Tour visits to different parts of the country
- helping to deliver brochures and/or posters to retailers, schools or libraries, to get the word out about Storylines awards and events
- helping at occasional special adult events – e.g. seminars, workshops, or assisting with fundraising initiatives
Become a Volunteer
Join us to encourage New Zealand children and young adults engage with books, and help make our events and activities a success.