Storylines Notable Book Awards winners 2001, for books published in 2000) were:
Storylines Notable Picture Books
Books for children and / or young adults where the narrative is carried equally by pictures and story.
- Inside Mary Elizabeth’s House by Pamela Allen (Penguin)
- Jane and the Dragon by Martin Baynton (Walker Books)
- Oliver in the Garden by Margaret Beames and Sue Hitchcock (Scholastic)
- Stay Awake, Bear! by Gavin Bishop (Orchard Books/Scholastic)
- Apple Banana Cherry by Joy Cowley and Elizabeth Fuller (Scholastic)
- Sydney and the Whalebird by David Elliot (Random House)
- After the War by Bob Kerr (Mallinson Rendell)
- Dragor by Pat Quinn and Philip Webb (Scholastic)
- Timo and the Kingfish by Mokena Potae Reedy and Elton Gregory (Huia Publishers)
- The Puriri Tree: Te Puriri by Marito Tawhara and Nikki Slade-Robinson (Huia Publishers)
Storylines Notable Junior Fiction
Fiction suitable for primary and intermediate-aged children.
- Mayday! by G Brassi (Scholastic)
- Shadrach Girl by Joy Cowley (Penguin Books)
- Jenna’s Wave by Steve Dickinson (Scholastic)
- The Lies of Harry Whakatipu by Jack Lasenby (Longacre Press)
- Crab Apples by Ged Maybury (Scholastic)
- A Whistle from the Blunder by Diana Noonan (Longacre Press)
- Black Gold by Julia Owen (Scholastic)
- Call of the Cruins by Elizabeth Pulford (Scholastic)
- Jellylegs by Elizabeth Pulford (Scholastic)
- Crash: The Story of Poddy by William Taylor (Scholastic)
Storylines Notable Young Adult Fiction
Fiction suitable for upper-intermediate and secondary school age.
- Outlanders by Margaret Beames (Scholastic)
- Red Cliff by Bernard Beckett (Longacre Press)
- The Mora Stone by Agnes-Mary Brooke (Addenda)
- Talking to Blue by Ken Catran (Lothian Books)
- Voyage with Jason by Ken Catran (Lothian Books)
- Leon by Frances Cherry (Mallinson Rendel)
- Finns Quest: The Queen Seekers by Eiryls Hunter (Scholastic)
- The Waverider by Graeme Lay (Penguin)
- 24 Hours by Margaret Mahy (Harper Collins)
- Scarface and the Angel by William Taylor (Longacre Press)
Storylines Notable Non-fiction
For authoritative, well-designed informational books accessible to children and young adults.
- Big Farm Machines by Pauline Cartwright and Tim Hawkins (Bridge Hill)
- Amazing New Zealand by Chris Chittenden (Reed)
- Niue by Charles Cooper (Reed)
- The Zoo: Meet the Locals by Colin Hogg (Randm House)
- The Kiwi by John Lockyer and Rod Morris (Reed)
- The Weta by John Lockyer and Rod Morris (Reed)
- Pets and Other Animals by Graham Meadows (Bridge Hill)
- The Tuatara by Brian Parkinson (Reed)
- Possum Hunt by Frank Saxton (Reed)
- Whales and Dolphins by Barbara Todd (Random)