Storylines Digital Story Tour November 2022

Storylines Digital Story Tour in November allows anyone, from anywhere in New Zealand (or beyond) to register to attend a live, interactive Story Tour. The November Tour runs over three days, with times to suit different school timetables and age levels, and with three experienced and highly regarded writers/illustrators. You can register for just one class, or even a small group of students, to attend. We also welcome home schooled students, and especially welcome studens from remote communities where Storylines’ kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) tours have been unable to reach.

The presenters are Kyle Mewburn, Elissa Brent Weissman and Vasanti Unka. See session dates and details on the registration form below.

These live sessions allow for interaction between the writer and students attending, with the opportunity to ask questions from wherever you are joining the event.

Once you have registered, you will receive details of how to access the sessions you have selected.

If you have any questions, please email

Digital Story Tours registration November2022 (#44)

Registration Form

To facilitate planning, please try and answer all of the below questions.

Main Contact Person

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