July Aotearoa Children’s Junior Fiction and Young Adult Bestseller List

Storylines and Kete Books have launched a new monthly bestseller list to help showcase and promote the excellent junior and young adult fiction books written and published in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Created with data collected by Nielsen BookScan, the new list focuses on New Zealand junior fiction, young adult fiction and children’s graphic novels. This fourth edition of the list features the ten best-selling titles in these categories for July 2023.

Children of the Rush by James Russell, and Below by David Hill and The Sparrow by Tessa Duder, take out the top three spots for July 2023.

This month Children of the Rush by James Russell claims number one once again. The Dragon Defenders by James Russell and Yongtao Zhang also experiences a climb from ninth to fifth spot and Masher by Fifi Colston enters the charts at number nine.

View the July Aotearoa Children’s Junior Fiction and Young Adult Bestseller List here.

Click here to see book reviews of similar genres.

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