
Gay Buckingham

Gay Buckingham BA (Otago) MA (IIML Victoria University) was born half way through the last century and grew up in the very south of the South Island.

A former mediator, Gay currently lives in Dunedin and writes mostly adult fiction and non-fiction but likes to experiment in all genres – she has even had a poem set to music!

Gay Buckingham

Selected bibliography:

  • The Grand Electrification of the South (The Power Company Ltd, 2016)
  • Kākāpō Keeper (OneTree House Ltd, 2021)
  • Children’s stories have been broadcast by Radio New Zealand
  • Short Stories have been broadcast by Radio New Zealand and published in the Dominion Post, Turbine, Takahe, Memories, Sunday Star Times and Memories Magazine as well as online and in anthologies.

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